With snack boxes in tow, 500 friends of Health Care for the Homeless came together (virtually) for The Chocolate Affair! Spot them in the photo gallery here.

We raised over $300,000!
Over the long President’s day weekend, you helped raise enough to deliver a year of transformative care to 600 of our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
We delighted in snacks and “golden ticket” winners
Five lucky winners had golden chocolate bars in their movie night boxes. So far, Ron Bryan has claimed his prize! Please email donations@hchmd.org if you won, too!
And the Fund-A-Need raffle winner is: David Wiley
Congratulations everyone! You will each receive a framed print of the famed Health Care for the Homeless mural that adorns 421 Fallsway.
We watched and continue to reflect on six films
This year’s film pairings shined a light on our collective housing crisis—covering topics including modern housing segregation, eviction, gentrification and displacement.
To quote Senior Director of Equity and Engagement Eddie Martin Jr. in Past Due: “We need to be willing to ask ourselves, ‘How are we indicted in this process?’ ‘How do we contribute to the realities of individuals who are suffering?’”
Watch Past Due
The need to reflect doesn’t stop when the credits roll. Whether you felt challenged or inspired by the night’s film selection, we hope you will continue to consider these questions:
- How has your neighborhood been shaped by segregation?
- What do you think when you hear the phrase “Section 8 voucher”?
- Who should decide whether you deserve health care? On what basis?
- What are three actions you can commit to take this year based on your reflections?
A special thank you to...
The filmmakers and partners who contributed to the night’s inspired line-up:
- Vox.com and Vox Media, LLC, United Workers, CASA and Univision Noticias, Jarrod Cann and Erick Stoll, The Leap and The Intercept, and the talented filmmaker we worked with on Past Due, Khalid Ali
- Of note: Reginald Stroud, featured in “Good White People,” was displaced by development in Cincinnati. He is raising funds to save his relocated store, Anybody’s Dream, at GoFundMe.
All of our event sponsors:

Thank you for making this year’s Chocolate Affair experience a night to remember.
Visit the photo gallery