Awards in Quality & Access


Health Care for the Homeless earns recognition for quality and access

Earlier this year, the Health Resources and Services Administration and the Bureau of Primary Health Care rolled out 2023 Community Health Quality Recognition Badges.

These badges, according to HRSA, “recognize Health Center Program awardees and look-alikes that have made notable quality improvement achievements in the areas of access, quality, health equity, health information technology, and COVID-19 public health emergency response for the most recent Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting period.”

Health Care for the Homeless received four badges, the most of any federally qualified health center in Baltimore!

  • Advancing Health Information Technology (HIT) for Quality: Approximately 64% of health centers received this award.
  • Health Disparities Reducer: We are among 21% of health centers nationally (and the only one in Baltimore) to receive this recognition.
  • Access Enhancer: We are among 23% of health centers nationally (and the only one in Baltimore) to receive this recognition.
  • PCMH Recognition: Ensuring and maintaining recognition as a Primary Care Medical Home from the Joint Commission and as a Patient Centered Medical Home from the National Committee on Quality Assurance.

Despite the challenging years of a global pandemic, these awards mark improvement over the previous year and are clear indications that we are moving in the right direction in key clinical and operational areas. Thanks to the Quality and Health Informatics teams for keeping the agency focused on these important goals—and to our entire staff for working every day to promote access to care and improve health and well-being.

For more information, check out the National Community Health Quality Recognition Dashboard

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Baltimore, you are rockstars! On the sunny first Saturday of November, 300+ runners, walkers, friends and volunteers took over Patterson Park for the 10th Annual Rock Your Socks 5K! We danced, cheered and enjoyed a festive race village complete with coffee, bagels, donuts, a bounce house and easy ways to engage with community partners.

Rendering of an apartment building called Sojourner Place at Park

Since opening Sojourner Place at Oliver in 2022, our affordable housing development team has been busy laying the groundwork for more affordable housing in Baltimore through a newly formed subsidiary under Health Care for the Homeless called the HCH Real Estate Company.

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month in the foreground and images of a protest sign saying we exist with a persons eyes, we resist with a feather clenched in a fist, we rise with an image of an eagle. Under that is an image with Native American image printed on pins.

This November, we honor the first inhabitants of this land. National Native American Heritage Month invites us to celebrate these intricate legacies, recognize the persistent challenges faced by Native people, and celebrate their invaluable contributions throughout history.


A morning in the park for the whole family, this year's Rock Your Socks 5K has something for everyone! See what's in store on November 2. 


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421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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