Sometimes, to believe in yourself, you need someone else to believe in you.
A note from Lead Therapist Case Manager II Tammy Montague, LCSW-C.
I’m not sure about you, but when I was growing up, we weren’t supposed to talk about mental health. Now, that’s how I spend my days!
As a therapist case manager, it brings me joy to help clients process their feelings and thoughts – and to really, deeply listen. So many more of us need access to this kind of care and support since the isolation of COVID, which was particularly harmful to neighbors without housing.
I'm telling you, if I didn't have a house to live in, I'd be anxious, worried and afraid.
Your gift means my colleagues and I can be there with care and support for people through the trauma of homelessness.
Like you, my team and I try to be a source of trusted support to:
- Meet clients on their terms—by phone, in person or where they live.
- Help individuals navigate incredibly difficult systems—to connect with food, transportation, pharmacies, specialty care and support groups.
- Practice trauma-informed care—understanding the complex stressors tied to poverty, violence, lack of food and homelessness.
When people get the emotional support they seek, I see a lifting of their spirit that allows them to go after their true purpose. I've had clients who started out on disability, who are now working - who are now driving. And they still see me for mental health services.
Healing takes food, medicine, a trusting friend or a provider to talk to. It takes listening to and learning from people with lived experience, too. We need more than what insurance is willing to pay for—and a full team in place to provide continuity of care for the 12,000 people who turned to us for support last year alone.
Can we count on you to help provide the team and tools needed with a gift?
As an agency, we have changed our work based on what people with lived experience have told us they need. Our neighbors in shelters, on the streets and doubled up with friends are the experts in their lives. They know what they want and need, but not enough people are listening. Systems are not changing.
Work with us to take action on what matters most: affordable housing, healthy food, medications, skilled and supportive care givers.
Your donation helps us provide care that’s needed in the moment, care that is so often withheld from many of our neighbors.
If you want to help our community, I implore you to start local. Making a donation is a good first step!
With gratitude,
Tammy Montague, LCSW-C
Lead Therapist Case Manager, II
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