Our News

What's happening in our Health Care for the Homeless community...

Darked-skinned man in glasses smiles, holding up an award that reads "Passion"

Gregory Rogers is a Senior Community Health Worker (CHW) with years of experience in addiction counseling. A vital part of a client’s care team, CHWs work with clients to navigate care both in the clinic and out in the community. See how Greg spends his days!

Magenta Pass the Mic with Curtis McLaughlin graphic, next to a photo of a dark-skinned man with long dreadlocks holding up artwork

An artist, gamer, and movie lover, Curtis McLaughlin has been part of the Health Care for the Homeless Art Group for more than five years. Get to know Curtis in the lasted edition of "Pass the Mic".

Side profile of Mark Council speaking into a microphone to a crowd outside

Client storytelling is a staple of the nonprofit business model, ever present in advocacy, clinic tours, fundraising—and news articles like the one you are reading right now.

The Trans Health Equity Act bill signing; Governor Moore is joined by advocates, including members of the Trans Rights Advocacy Coalition

The Trans Rights Advocacy Coalition (TRAC) has been the driving force in championing trans rights policy changes in Maryland. Due to stigma and structural discrimination, transgender people—particularly transgender people of color—experience high rates of homelessness. Following the implementation of the Trans Health Equity Act in January, we talked with TRAC leadership about their work and community. 

Black woman smiling as she presents a powerpoint about health determinants

Since starting in January 2022, REI Health Specialist Arie Hayre-Somuah, LMSW, MPH has worked with our clinical teams to identify health disparities and move us closer to health equity. This year, she is turning her focus to the topic of health literacy.

Picture of Hanna Mast, a white woman wearing glasses and an orange sweater

We are delighted to announce the promotion of Hanna Mast from Senior Communications Manager to Director of Communications. Get to know more about her work in the Q&A below!

Celebrate Arab American Heritage Month in white over an orange background with Arab American figures in grey at the bottom.

April is National Arab American Heritage Month, which is a time to celebrate and honor the diverse cultures, histories, and contributions of Arab Americans. Let's explore some ways to celebrate!

Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility in color blocked letters over a the transgender flag

Transgender Day of Visibility is dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness about the transgender community worldwide. The day aims to promote greater understanding, acceptance, support, and inclusivity for transgender people.


Through the end of 2024, we’re offering hiring bonuses for full-time and part-time social work positions in our clinics.

Various figures and scenes of women's history featuring women's history month

March welcomes Women’s History Month. We come together to honor all those who experience life through the lens, body, spirit, and identity of a woman. Explore a few ways you can celebrate Women’s History Month— past, present, future, and fluid—in 2024.



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All Rights Reserved.


421 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202

Phone: 410-837-5533


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